The Life Saving Rules

Company Policy
Management of PT BERDIKARI PONDASI PERKASA is committed to improving and maintaining high standards of Quality, Safety, Occupational Health, and an effective and efficient environment free from work-related accidents and illnesses as well as environmental impacts to encourage productivity in customer service.
Our principles:
- Trusted.
- Work safety is a priority and the main requirement of work.
- Oriented to customer satisfaction and all related parties.
- Employee participation and communication to build a Quality and K3L work culture.
- Occupational safety and health is a shared responsibility;
- Workplace leaders set an example in implementing Quality and K3L with full leadership.
- Every worker, contractor and guest Comply and implement Quality and K3L requirements.
Our Commitment:
To achieve and exceed customer expectations and goals, the Quality standards of PT Berdikari Perkasa Foundation is:
- Continuous improvement of the Quality Management System and occupational health and safety that is planned, measurable, structured, and integrated.
- Fulfill strategic customer requirements for business continuity.
- Maintaining the health status of the workforce.
- Environmental Protection.
- Creating a safe and healthy work environment.
Our Leadership:
- Meet the laws and regulations and other related K3L requirements.
- Hazard control and risk reduction based on risk management principles.
- Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Safe work standards.
- Fulfillment of Manpower Resources and Training.
- Workforce health checks.
- Environmental impact prevention.
- Communicate this policy to all employees and other related parties in the workplace.
All employees, guests and contractors of PT Berdikari Foundation Perkasa is obliged to comply with and implement this Quality and K3L policy.

Drugs Policy
Management of PT BERDIKARI PONDASI PERKASA is committed to making active efforts to prevent and overcome the dangers of Alcohol, Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Substances in the workplace.
As an effort to overcome negative impacts, every worker, contractor, guest and other related parties in the workplace is PROHIBITED:
- Consuming Alcohol, Narcotics, and other Addictive Substances during working hours at work.
- Abuse and distribution of Alcohol, Narcotics, and other Addictive Substances in the workplace.
- Working under the influence of Alcohol, Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Substances.
To create a safe, healthy and safe workplace, PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk will:
- Conduct alcohol testing on workers before entering the workplace.
- Conducting tests on the content and effects of Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances periodically to workers in the workplace.
- Conducting tests on workers suspected of being under the influence of Alcohol, Narcotics, and other Addictive Substances in the workplace.
- Imposing disciplinary action on everyone in the workplace who violates this policy.
- Report to the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia if one or more persons are found possessing or distributing Narcotics, Psychotropics, and other Addictive Substances in the workplace.
- Communicate this policy to all parties who will enter and or are in the workplace.
All employees, guests and contractors of PT Berdikari Foundation Perkasa is obliged to comply with and implement this policy.

Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy
With high leadership against anti-bribery and acts of Corruption within the company's organization and with direct involvement of all workers and needs, expectations of stakeholders related to the head office and also the implementation of the work (project).
In running its business, the top management of PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk / Perdana Stipulates that bribery and acts of corruption are strictly PROHIBITED.
To ensure the implementation of this policy, PT Berdikari Foundation Perkasa implements a STRONG culture with a full commitment to:
Responding to reporting with data and facts and caring about irregularities without fear of reprisals and ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter's identity.
Establishment, Maintenance, Reporting on the performance, responsibility and authority of the anti-bribery compliance function in the implementation of the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP).
Implementation of risk and opportunity management on organizational projects and activities on a regular basis taking into account issues in the organizational context and establishing anti-bribery management system objectives at relevant functions and levels.
Comply with anti-bribery laws and regulations and relevant ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) requirements.
Continuous improvement of the anti-bribery management system and regular review of the compliance function.
Any violation / deviation from this anti-bribery policy will be subject to sanctions based on the results of the compliance team's investigation. This policy is thoroughly communicated to every level of the organization of PT Berdikari Perkasa Foundation / Prime and parties - parties who have an interest