Renovation of The Baiturrahman Mosque in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk
On November 18, 2023, PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk has carried out the inauguration of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by helping to renovate the Baiturrahman mosque located in Kapuk - Cengkareng, West Jakarta.
The Baiturrahman mosque has been established since 1974, has a land area of 6 x 8 meters, is located in a densely populated area, making the Baiturrahman mosque not only a place of worship, but also has religious activities such as recitation for teenagers and children, compensation for orphans, and monthly study also have a dream of holding a Quran Tahfidz, but this has not yet been implemented due to limited space at the Baiturrahman mosque. Knowing this, PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk, wishes to help realize the residents dream of renovating the Baiturrahman mosque.
Tan Franciscus, Director of PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk, said that "As a company that always tries to have a positive impact on society, we feel very proud and grateful to be able to contribute to society through the construction of this mosque."
"The mosque is not only a place of worship and a physical building, but also a symbol of our commitment to strengthening social and spiritual ties in society. With this mosque, we hope to provide convenience and comfort for the local community to carry out worship and other religious activities. We also hope that this mosque will become a good deed for our company and become a field of reward for all those involved in its development," said Tan Franciscus at the inauguration of the Baiturrahman mosque, Saturday (18/11/2023).
Don't forget, Tan Franciscus also thanked all parties involved in the construction of the Baiturrahman mosque, "Thank you to the local community who always provide support and cooperation. Hopefully this prayer room will be a place that brings blessings to all of us."
It is stated in the Hadith of the History of At-Tirmidhi, "Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, small or large, Allah will build for him a house in heaven."